Economics and finance writing style

Economics and finance writing need not consist of dry prose and impenetrable tables. Indeed, clear writing is particularly important in writing about economics and finance because it helps to clarify the meaning of the many numbers, graphs, figures, tables and complex models. Well-written texts draw the key points from large sets of numbers and data, and make them provide support and evidence for the main ideas. Clear explanatory prose can make complex concepts accessible without compromising the quality of the information. Even seemingly inflexible documents, such as annual reports, can be written in a clear, direct style.

Carefully designed infographics can help to communicate the key messages from data by allowing users to visualise the topics being discussed (see Infographics for more information).

Academic papers in economics and finance should have an analytical style, rather than a journalistic or argumentative one. Avoid exaggeration and dramatic phrasing. Stick to the evidence in interpreting results.

You might say:
Research suggests increasing government expenditure by A% would lead to a quantifiable outcome B. [evidence]
but you should not conclude:
Therefore, government expenditure should be increased. [opinion]

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