

Appendixes (not appendices) are often used for information that is too detailed or technical to include in the body of the publication. Each appendix should directly relate to information included in the main text and be cross-referenced in the text. Do not include appendixes with information that is not mentioned in the text.

Order appendixes in the sequence that they are mentioned in the text (ie the first appendix mentioned is Appendix A, etc).

Subheadings can be used in appendixes, but are not usually included in the table of contents (ie use silent headings).

Did you know? Appendix is a Latin word meaning an addition. In English, a few Latin words keep their Latin plural (eg alga  →  algae). But most Latin words now take an English plural form, especially in common words and in writing for a general audience (eg appendixes not appendices, referendums not referenda).
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