

If writing is not part of your job, get into practice with daily writing sessions of 15 minutes or more. Write about anything, but do it regularly. Some ideas:

  • Keep a log of time spent writing to allow you to track your progress.
  • Tell people that you are writing to give you some accountability for your writing objectives.
  • Find a writing project that will be meaningful in your personal life, and commit to it. This could mean writing a weekly email to a friend, or spending 15 minutes on a Sunday night writing your reflections on the past week and plans for the coming week.
  • Volunteer to take minutes at work meetings and to distribute them with key points highlighted.
  • Take notes at professional conferences and other industry events, and email a summary to your colleagues or post on social media. This will have the extra benefits of raising your professional profile and helping your colleagues by sharing important information.

To sharpen your skills, review everything you write before you send it. Emails, tweets, blog posts – get in the habit of reviewing everything for clarity and correctness.

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