Technical words

Technical words

Some texts will need to include technical terms. Readability will then depend on how familiar a reader is with the terms and the subject area.

Sometimes you will need to convey technical ideas to both specialist and general audiences. For example, communicating health advice or computer instructions to the general public may involve using technical language.

To make sure general readers can understand text that includes technical terms:

  • limit the number of technical terms by paraphrasing or using alternatives

  • explain any potentially unfamiliar or technical terms by providing clear definitions, or highlighting key words and their definitions in boxes.

If the person you care for is incontinent, you will need to plan carefully before you travel with them.
Add an upfront explanation to make this clearer:
Being ‘incontinent’ means the person can’t hold in urine (pee) or faeces (poo). If the person you care for is incontinent, you will need to plan carefully before you travel with them.

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