What will it cost?

What will it cost?

You need to describe why each item is necessary in your project, and you must demonstrate that you are undertaking the project in the most cost-effective way. Tips for putting together a budget include the following:

  • Be specific. Provide detailed costing. Get quotes for new equipment and use accurate salary scales. You must show how you arrived at the total estimated cost for each budget line. Do not include funding for ‘miscellaneous’ items.
  • Be honest. Make sure you need every item you are asking for in your grant proposal. Grant reviewers know what is involved in projects and how much it costs.
  • Justify. Describe why each item and staff member is necessary for the project. How will the items enable you to achieve the objectives of the research proposal?
  • Match. Matching funding or in-kind support will be looked upon favourably, even for grants where it is not required. Give details of all other significant contributions (cash and in-kind) to the project, and include a brief description of the research infrastructure available to you.
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