Abbreviation of academic and professional qualifications

Abbreviation of academic and professional qualifications

Academic and professional qualifications are often shortened to appear after a name or in a list.

Use the shortened form of the qualification. Do not use full stops:

BA [Bachelor of Arts]

BEng [Bachelor of Engineering]    

DipE [Diploma of Education]   

MSc [Master of Science]    

PhD [Doctor of Philosophy]    

For an honours degree, include Hons in brackets with no space between the abbreviation and the bracket:


If the qualification has a subject area, include it in brackets in full, with no space between the abbreviation and the bracket:

BA(Communications) [Bachelor of Arts in Communications]

MSc(Microbiology) [Master of Science in Microbiology]

If including a list of qualifications after a name, list the academic qualifications first, in order of achievement, then any professional qualifications or accreditations; do not use a comma after the name or between the qualifications:

Jane Smith BSc PhD MBA AE

For a person with a PhD, either use the qualification PhD after the name or the title Dr before, but not both:

Dr Peter Brown BSc(Hons)
Peter Brown BSc(Hons) PhD

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