

Use italics with maximal capitalisation for the full title of an Act, including the year:

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994

Family Law Amendment (Family Violence & Other Measures) Act 2018

Australian Sports Drug Agency Act 1990

After the first mention of the full title in the text, a shortened form can be used. Use maximal capitalisation but not italics for this shortened form:

Agvet Code     Family Violence Act     Sports Drug Act

The unit of legislation within an Act is called a section. Refer to sections of Acts as follows:

Section 25 of the Australian Sports Drug Agency Act 1990 (Cwlth) [at the beginning of a sentence]

Australian Sports Drug Agency Act 1990 (Cwlth), s 25 [singular]

Australian Sports Drug Agency Act 1990 (Cwlth), ss 25–30 [plural]

It is unusual to spell out section within a sentence but, if doing so, use a lower-case s.

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