Bulleted lists of full sentences

Bulleted lists of full sentences

If the listed items are whole sentences, make the lead-in sentence a full sentence, and use a colon at the end to signal the bullet points to come.

In this case, each bullet point should start with a capital letter and end with a full stop:

The outcomes of the project can be summarised by 3 main points:

  • The main factors affecting risk of stroke in individuals with atrial fibrillation have been identified. There is concern over the expense of treating all such individuals with a single treatment regime.
  • A method has been developed for evaluating those at greatest risk of stroke.
  • A preliminary evaluation of 200 individuals has been completed.

The example above refers to 3 main points. Referring to the number of items in the list does not mean that a numbered list is needed – the items in a list should only be numbered if a hierarchy of importance or order is implied. See Numbered lists for more information.

Items in a list of full sentences sometimes start with an introductory word or phrase that functions like a heading. Use a full stop after the introductory word or phrase, not another colon:

The assessment should be based on the following principles:

  • Relevance. Ensure that the assessment serves the decision-making needs of users.
  • Consistency. Use consistent approaches, data collection methods and calculation methods.
  • Accuracy. Achieve sufficient accuracy to enable stakeholders to make informed decisions.


The assessment should be based on the following principles:

  • Relevance: Ensure that the assessment serves the decision-making needs of users.
  • Consistency: Use consistent approaches, data collection methods and calculation methods.
  • Accuracy: Achieve sufficient accuracy to enable stakeholders to make informed decisions.
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