Behavioural insights

‘Behavioural insights’ can be a useful tool in developing both the messages and the appearance of your content.

The field of behavioural insights draws on research into the social, cognitive and emotional behaviour of individuals and institutions. It uses subtle triggers to ‘nudge’ people into a desired behaviour or action. It is increasingly used in a range of areas, such as public health.

You can use the ‘EAST’ framework to think about how to use behavioural insights in your content development. The framework says that, if you want to encourage a behaviour, make it:

  • easy
  • attractive
  • social
  • timely.

Thinking through each of these points can help you to focus your messages and give your content more impact. This approach can be particularly useful if you want your readers to act or behave in certain ways after reading the content.

First, think about exactly what you want people to do after reading the content. Consider the situation, the people and their likely behaviour.

Based on this initial analysis, think about:

  • making it easy
    • simplify messages, bring key messages to the beginning, use simple language and be specific about what is required
    • make the desired action the default – get people to opt out rather than opt in
    • make it easy for people to act – reduce the number of steps they must take
    • break down a complex goal or task into simpler actions
  • making it attractive
    • attract attention – use images or colour to get readers to focus on particular points
    • make the content personal to the reader – give examples relevant to them
  • making it social
    • show that most people behave in the desired way
    • encourage people to make a commitment to others; mention relevant networks that provide support
  • making it timely
    • think about when the content is to be read, and prompt people when they are likely to be most receptive
    • make them aware of any deadlines or time limits.

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