

Crosslinks can help users find their way across websites and alert them to other relevant content. They can also provide a way to layer content, so that summary information is presented up front and users can click through to more complex or supporting material.

For example, you can add a ‘Read more’ button or link. This appears at the relevant point in the main text and takes the user to a separate page with further content on the topic. The cue should carry a brief indication of what the extra content is about (eg Read more about the artist’s background) to help users decide whether or not to expand the page’s content.

Links can be internal (which take the user to other parts of the site) or external (which take the user to another site). Links should connect to specific, concrete nouns rather than verbs or abstract concepts, to ensure that the user understands what they are selecting.

Links can be a valuable way to make sure information is kept in a single, most relevant place on the site, rather than being repeated on multiple pages. This means that the number of site pages is minimised, and any updates to a topic need only be done in 1 place.

When deciding whether to add links, think about the purpose of each link and ensure that the user needs to be directed to other material at that point. Each link should have a clear function that does not duplicate other elements in the material, such as navigation bars and menus.

Although some content creators worry that including external links will take users away from their content, remember that no publication can be fully comprehensive, and it is a good idea not to try to ‘reinvent the wheel’. Linking to high-quality resources that you recommend will help your users to view your material as authoritative and helpful, making them more likely to return.

Caution! Do not add links just because you can. Links can disrupt concentration, because the onscreen reader’s cognitive load is increased with the decision point provided by every link: should I click, or continue reading, or try to remember to return when I finish reading and then click?

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