Long quotations

Long quotations

Set long quotations (20 words or longer) as a separate paragraph from the rest of the text in a ‘quote’ style (eg slightly smaller point size, indented from both margins). Use quotation marks only if there is a quotation within the longer indented quotation. Use an ellipsis to introduce the quote if it starts in the middle of a sentence. If possible, give the source of long quotations at the lead-in to the quotation:

The RACI describes itself as follows (RACI 2014):

Founded in 1917 and granted a Royal Charter in 1932, the RACI is the professional body for the chemical sciences in Australia. It acts both as the qualifying body in Australia for professional chemists, and as a learned society promoting the science and practice of chemistry.

If it is not possible to give the source in the lead-in sentence to the quote, give it at the end of the quotation, after the full stop:

FMD is an acute, highly contagious, viral infection of domestic and wild cloven-hoofed animals. It is characterised by fever and vesicles in the mouth, and on the nose, feet and teats. (Smith et al 2013)

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