How people read on screen

How people read on screen

Studies that track users’ eyes as they read a webpage show that most people tend to read in an ‘F’-shaped pattern (see figure below). They read the first paragraph (or the first 2 paragraphs), then skim down the left-hand side of the content. Attention is also drawn to bullet lists and hyperlinks.

This means that:

  • the most important information or a summary should be in the first 2 paragraphs (or these should at least be compelling enough to make people want to keep reading)
  • headings, subheadings, paragraphs and lists should start with keywords (information-carrying words) that users will notice as they scan down the left-hand side.

Heat map from user eyetracking study, showing the typical ‘F’ shape

Source:  Eye Tracking Competence Center Switzerland

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