

Proofreading can be done before or after design, or both.

Specific tasks before design include:

  • checking to ensure that the final text of the publication is free from any typographical errors, or inconsistencies in style or presentation
  • correcting the electronic copy
  • ensuring that the documents to be sent to the designer include all supplied material (including preliminary pages, end matter, tables, figures and other illustrations), headings and other elements are appropriately styled for the designer, and all editorial instructions have been correctly applied
  • marking up the text with instructions for the designer or typesetter, as required.

Specific tasks after design include:

  • ensuring that the page proofs from the designer include all supplied material (including preliminary pages, end matter, tables, figures and other illustrations), the publication is appropriately laid out and all editorial instructions have been correctly applied
  • printing the files and proofreading to ensure that the final text of the publication is free from any typographical errors, or inconsistencies in style or presentation
  • returning marked-up page proofs to the designer for correction.
  • checking revised page proofs to ensure that proofreading changes have been entered correctly, title pages and other preliminary pages have been included, pagination is correct (eg there are no widows or orphans), page numbers match the table of contents and all design features have been applied consistently.

The term ‘verification edit’ may be applied to the final step listed above. Verification editing can also refer to the process of ensuring that content has been correctly transferred to a website.

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