Screen-friendly and printer-friendly content

Screen-friendly and printer-friendly content

For online information, the focus is naturally on readability on a screen. However, some material may be delivered online but consumed in hard copy, including:

  • tickets, timetables and schedules

  • forms (both forms that are filled out by hand and fillable onscreen forms that are printed out for hard-copy submission)

  • step-by-step instructions (eg recipes)

  • material intended for handwritten additions, such as notes for a course, which the user will add their own comments to.

In such cases, you should ensure that content works both on screen and in print:

  • Screen-friendly means that all useful elements such as navigation aids are accessible, and the text is clear, flows well, and is properly sized without requiring any left-to-right scrolling.

  • Printer-friendly means that a printed version contains only the essential elements (text, tables, graphics if they are important) and none of the elements that reduce the readability of the printed document (ads, navigation elements, pop-ups). The printer-friendly version is formatted to fit on standard office paper (A4 in most countries).

Content can be formatted to be printer-friendly from the start. Alternatively, you can provide a ‘printer-friendly version’ button that translates the content into a printable format, or offer a PDF version.

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