

The main thing to think about when you are assessing and refining your style is the level of formality you want to use.

The formal style uses impersonal terms – not talking directly to people but about them, using abstract nouns and indirect verbs. When writers adopt a formal style with less familiar language, it can distance the reader from the content and the message:

Formal style: Voting papers must be submitted by postal voters at least 5 working days before the election day.

The formal style is appropriate in some circumstances, and some professional fields or topic areas tend to use this style. For example, science writing and legal writing often use a style that conveys the objective quality of evidence-based knowledge.

However, in general, successful communicators use language familiar to the audience. A more informal style speaks directly to the reader, using contractions, imperatives and second-person pronouns (you, your). It brings readers into the content and engages them with the topic:

Informal style: If you’re sending in a postal vote, don’t wait until the last minute.

Formal and informal are at opposite ends of the style spectrum, leaving room for a middle style that can be called ‘standard’ or ‘neutral’.

The standard style avoids using long or technical words, and instead chooses mainstream, everyday vocabulary without slang or too many colloquial expressions. It uses contractions (eg can’t, don’t), imperatives (eg Act today!) and interactive second-person pronouns (eg you, your) sparingly:

Standard style: Postal voters should send in their voting forms 1 week before the election.

The standard style engages less directly with the audience than informal style, while avoiding the distancing effect of formal style. It puts the reader on a level with the writer (ie communication between peers) without being too casual. 

The page you are reading now uses a style that is between standard and informal. While it speaks to ‘you’ directly (informal), it makes minimal use of contractions and colloquialisms (standard).

The style of your writing should be influenced by your audience. For example, a scientist may use a technical and impersonal style when writing for colleagues, and a more conversational style when writing for the general public.

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