Titles of online material and websites in print documents

Titles of online material and websites in print documents

Avoid URLs in running text. Where possible, cite a website as a footnote, particularly if the mention is descriptive and does not refer to specific information. A description uses roman and minimal capitalisation:

Further information can be obtained from the CSIRO website.1

In footnotes, only include a full stop at the end if the footnote is a sentence:

1 Up-to-date information is available at www.csiro.au.

1 www.csiro.au

Do not include http:// in addresses that begin with www; however, https:// must be retained if the URL does not work without it, and http:// (or https://) should be retained if there is no www. Some addresses will work if the www is omitted, but it is best left in – addresses (eg csiro.au) may not clearly look like URLs without it:

2 www.csiro.au   not   https://www.csiro.au   or   csiro.au

When referring to a webpage, use roman and minimal capitalisation, and enclose it in single quote marks:

Further information can be obtained from the ‘Atmosphere and climate’ page of the CSIRO website.2

If referring the reader to a report by an organisation, do not send them to the organisation’s front page and force them to search for the report; specify which link to choose. Use minimal capitalisation, roman type and single quotation marks for links:

Go to www.environment.gov.au/topics and select ‘Environment assessments’.

Linking to the HTML home page of a resource is preferable to linking directly to a PDF, but not all resources and documents have such a page.

The URL to a resource may be long:

For details, see the Key summary report from wave 5 of Footprints in Time – The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children.1
with the footnote
1 https://www.dss.gov.au/national-centre-for-longitudinal-data/footprints-in-time-the-longitudinal-

A URL can be shortened by using a service such as TinyURL, especially if the reader may have to rekey a URL from a printed page. Using TinyURL, the long URL in the previous example becomes:

Do not underline URLs in documents that will be printed because the text cannot be clicked on.

See Online material for details on presenting URLs in reference lists.

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