Use precise words and phrases

Use precise words and phrases

Some words can have several meanings. Although you may mean something very specific when you use a particular term, there is no guarantee that the reader will understand it in the same way. Use a word or words with a more precise meaning:

enhanced  =  improved   or   increased   or   reduced [Note that some things are better when bigger, such as immunisation rates, and some when smaller, such as air pollution or a golf score.]

inhibit   reduce   or   stop

parameter  =  constant, variable, value   or   upper and lower limits

See Terms to watch out for, for further examples of terms that are commonly confused or misused.

You also need to check that your word choices are not ambiguous or confusing in context. Some words, phrases or clauses can become ambiguous in their grammatical context:

Our new researcher likes visiting experts. [Do they like having experts visit, or visiting them?]

We need more enlightened commentators. [Do we just need more of them, or individuals who are more enlightened?]

We didn’t miss the bus because we biked to the bus stop. [We missed the bus, but it wasn’t as a result of biking to the bus stop …?  Or as a result of biking to the bus stop, we made it onto the bus …?]

Keep the pronoun close to the noun to which it refers to avoid pronoun ambiguity:

When Michael saw his father, he was overjoyed. [Who does he refer to: Michael or his father?]
Michael was overjoyed when he saw his father.

The recreation centre included a hockey field and an indoor facility with a basketball court. It was open until 5 pm. [What does it refer to: the recreation centre, the hockey field, the basketball court?]
The recreation centre, which was open until 5 pm, included a hockey field and an indoor facility with a basketball court.

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