Summary: 6 common mistakes

In brief ...

We can make our writing punchier, more persuasive and shorter by following a few simple rules. Consider keeping them in mind when revising.

We must avoid (or at least think carefully about):

  • unnecessarily complex words and jargon

  • long sentences and unnecessary words

  • excessive passive voice

  • vague verbs and inane nouns

  • nonparallel structure

  • long strings of modifiers.

Some of these things are acceptable now and again, and no-one is going to send you to gaol for using one modifier too many. Passive voice, boring verbs and imprecise nouns will all crop up, but we must use them with intent, not by default, and understand what we are doing.

It’s an old tip but a good one:

Tip. Learn the rules before you break them. Then you’ll know why you’re breaking them and what it is costing you.

Click here to get a copy of our guide to eliminating wordiness.

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