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A graph is a diagram for presenting numerical data and showing the relationship between them.
Graphs are the best way to display data when it is more important to convey overall patterns in the data than the individual data values. Well-designed graphs exploit human pattern recognition skills to enable readers to quickly and easily understand often complex data relationships. For example, the height of side-by-side bars is automatically understood as comparisons in magnitude across groups.
However, graphs can become cluttered if too much data is presented, can make it difficult to determine precise data values, and can be manipulated so that the message becomes distorted or erroneous. Graphs need to (Tufte 2001):
The term ‘chart’ is often used interchangeably with ‘graph’, but ‘chart’ is a broader term that can encompass diagrams, maps, tables and graphs.
This section covers:
Download our quick guide for easy reference: What type of graph is best for my data? .