Unpublished references

Unpublished references

Publications in press

Publications in press are shown in the following way:

(WHO, in press)

(Jones et al, in press).

Do not include a year because publications that are in press often take longer than anticipated to finally appear in print. List the document in the reference list with the known details.

Information from work that has not been accepted for publication

A manuscript submitted to a publisher, including a journal, should not be listed in the reference list unless it has been accepted for publication. Cite information from such material as personal communications:

(JL Brodie, CSIRO Division of Water Purity, pers comm, 2000)

… MB Percy (Australian Chief Veterinary Officer, pers comm, March 1997)

Do not include personal communications in the list of references; cite them only in the text. Be sure to include the position and/or organisation of the person providing the information and the date (month, if available, and year) that the information was provided.

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