Anatomical classification

Anatomical classification

Anatomical classification for animals (including humans) uses sets of Latin terms similar to those used for genus and species names. Basic binomial anatomical names consist of the name of the type of structure (eg ‘arterium’, ‘os’ [bone], ‘musculus’) and at least 1 descriptor of that entity (eg ‘femoralis’, ‘rectus’). Several additional descriptors are often added to show the position and orientation of the body part (eg ‘externus’, ‘dorsi’, ‘descendens’). Do not italicise or capitalise any of the Latin words:

arterium femoralis     os femoralis     musculus transversus abdominis

However, when the structural group is abbreviated (using Latin singular and plural formats), use an initial capital followed by a full stop:

arterium (A.), arteria (Aa.)     ligamentum (Lig.), ligamenta (Ligg.)     musculum (M.), musculi (Mm.)

The superficial pectoral muscles (Mm. pectorales superficiales) comprise descending and transverse muscles (M. pectoralis descendens, M. pectoralis transversus).

Did you know? Latin terms follow the rules for Latin grammar (eg for nominative and genitive case, singular, plural). See Nomina anatomica veterinaria (pages xiii to xvii) for an explanation of these word endings.

Os (bone) is never abbreviated.

In most texts, the Latin names are replaced by common names. British spelling is preferred for common names in Australian texts. Use an initial capital only for proper nouns:

femoral artery     femur     transverse abdominal muscle     Achilles tendon

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