Blood groups

Blood groups

The 2 major blood group (also called blood type) classifications are the ABO system and the rhesus system. Use capitals for the ABO system:

A     B     AB     O

Use lower case for the term group (or type):

His blood was group B.

The rhesus system consists of 50 defined blood-group antigens, among which the 5 antigens D, C, c, E and e are the most important. The commonly used terms Rh factor, Rh positive and Rh negative refer to the D antigen (which is the most immunogenic of the 5 Rh antigens). Use the following notation to denote the presence or absence of the D antigen:

Rh(D) positive     Rh(D) negative  [no space between Rh and (D)]          

Rhesus disease (hemolytic disease of the newborn) occurs if an RhD-negative woman carries an RhD-positive baby.

Treatment is with anti-RhD immunoglobulin (referred to in Australia as ‘anti-D’).

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