Discussion papers (green and white)

Discussion papers (green and white)

These represent 2 stages of policy development and consultation with stakeholders by the government:

  • Green papers are preliminary consultations with public stakeholders when new policy is being formulated. They are intended to elicit feedback on the policy and gauge its likely effects.
  • White papers are the mature stage of public consultation about a new policy. Based on the feedback from the green paper, plus additional research and development, white papers present more details of the goals and operation of a policy, along with recommendations relevant to its implementation. They may invite further public feedback.

Discussion papers need to be as clear as possible, and lay out the background and reasons for the policy and what it hopes to achieve. They should make any assumptions clear. They should also be written so that it does not sound as though decisions have already been made – they should leave room for feedback and alternative opinions.

The papers should clearly spell out the process and deadlines for feedback.

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