Expressing geological time

Expressing geological time

Absolute dates can be expressed as follows:

by the Middle to Late Devonian (ca 385 Ma), fish had ...

between 55 ka and 21 ka

formed by 3,500 Ma

older than 4,000 Ga

where ka = kiloannum (a thousand years ago), Ma = mega-annum (a million years ago) and Ga = giga-annum (a billion years ago).

Note that, in expressing a range of time, the largest (oldest) number occurs first.

Duration of time can also expressed in kiloyears (kyr), megayears (Myr) and gigayears (Gyr):

at rates of 20–30 m per Myr

for the past 300 Myr

The Jurassic Period lasted approximately 50 Myr [duration] from ca 201 Ma to ca 152 Ma [absolute dates].

The before present (BP) timescale is often used in geology; see Date and time.

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