Key combinations

Key combinations

When giving combinations of key presses, join the letters with an unspaced plus (+):

Shift+F3     Ctrl+A     Ctrl+Shift+A     Ctrl+Alt+Del     Command+N

Specify all key presses – do not leave Shift implicit:

Use Ctrl+Shift+8 to toggle invisible characters on and off.
Use Ctrl+* to toggle invisible characters on and off.

For taps and mouse clicks, use hyphens:

Right-click for the context menu.

Double-tap the OK button.

Key combinations may differ between operating systems. Mac users may need different instructions from Windows users, or the system to which the instructions apply may have to be specified. For example, the Delete key on a Mac keyboard works like the Backspace key on most other keyboards. You will need to know which system your users have, or provide instructions for both.

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