

Australian conventions and resources

The names of tropical cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons are set by regional bodies of the WMO. In Australia, the list of names is maintained by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Cyclone names are selected alphabetically from the list maintained by the Bureau of Meteorology, and alternate between male and female names. The name for the first cyclone of the year is the next name on the list from the previous year (ie the list does not restart from ‘A’ each year). Use initial capitals for cyclone names:

Tropical Cyclone Larry     Hurricane Andrew

Refer to a named storm as it, not he or she.

Use lower case when referring to the strength of a storm, and put a nonbreaking space before the number:

a category 1 storm

How to insert a nonbreaking space:

Use Ctrl+Shift+Space (Windows), or Space+Option (Mac).

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