Typing commands

Typing commands

Do not use quotation marks in instructions unless the reader is required to type them:

Microsoft Word can be launched from the command line by typing:
C:\> "c:\program files\microsoft office\root\office16\winword.exe"

When indicating user input on a command line (eg at an onscreen prompt), use a monospaced font (because the command line will use such a font) and write the program name as a user would write it. Try to make the instructions agree with what the reader is likely to encounter:

$ pdflatex myfile.tex

Here, $ is the onscreen prompt, pdflatex is the program and myfile.tex is the file the program is to process.

This use of monospaced font differentiates between the application name and the name of the underlying executable file that starts it running:

Run PDFLaTeX by typing pdflatex at the prompt.
When you click the menu entry for Microsoft Word, the program winword.exe is launched.
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