Writing fractions

Writing fractions

Depending on the type of equation, a slash (acting as a division sign) can be used to separate the parts of the fraction. Although the slash normally does not have space inserted around it, a thin space or hairspace may be needed to make the fraction look visually balanced, depending on the particular characters on either side and the font used; it may be possible to use a dedicated equation editor to automatically adjust the spacing: 

a + b/[with no space added]

a + b /[with a thin space added before the slash]

\(a + b/c\) [using an equation editor]

(This also shows that equations entered using an equation editor often have a different ‘look’ from those entered manually. Establishing an overall policy on how mathematical material is to be written can be a good idea.)

Fractions can be built up using a horizontal line to indicate the division sign (‘display’ format):

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