Since and because

Since can be used to refer to time:

Since 2010, I have worked in this role.

It can also be used to refer to causality:

Since you are away on Tuesday, we must hold the meeting without you.

Some writers claim that using since as a causal connector is incorrect. But this is a modern objection, given that the causality sense dates back to the 16th century. Most style guides have no problem with it being used to express causality, except that it can create ambiguity unless the context makes it clearly causal:

Since I caught the flu, I couldn’t go to the meeting. [Does this mean I couldn’t go to the meeting because I had the flu, or I couldn’t go after the time I caught the flu?]

A good option is to use because for causality because it is more emphatic than since, and unambiguous:

Because I caught the flu, I couldn’t go to the meeting.

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